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April 8 下北沢 Workshop - Looking Good

A nice spring workshop today with a new challenger and a half as well as several returning champions. We got right into things.

We started with repeated introductions to practice techniques for keeping even very repetitive things fresh then expanded that to lies - much more difficult to keep in memory. We worked on the choice to do what you shouldn't do - our characters do that a lot - and being sure that the audience can see that choice. As usual, it's hard to let your character do bad things. We do like to look good - even when we're playing a character. So we focused on helping your partner look good, instead.

After the break we ran an old favorite, Stupid Looks, to get serious about looking silly as well as a scene from Ordinary People and The Foreigner. Communication is really coming together in these workshops. Very exciting.

We also talked about an opportunity to work on something else: Takase Kazki is putting together a bilingual production of Jack London stories. Auditions/workshops are open now - so if you're interested, be sure to let us know.

Looking forward to May!

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